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1 November 2021 - 12 December 2021
Berlin, Germany
Matchmaking Virchow 2.0 – Berlin Brandenburg innovation cluster




Registration and coffee



Welcome and opening remarks



Virchow 2.0 vision: cell-based medicine in Berlin

Nikolaus Rajewsky, director BIMSB at MDC

Angelika Eggert, director Department of Pedriatric Oncology & Hematology at Charité

9:30- 10:10


The Clusters4Future initiative

Oliver Pieper, BMBF

Marta Fernandes, Projektträger Jülich

10:10- 10:30


Virchow 2.0 conception phase

Marie Vidal, MDC

Thomas Gazlig, Charité BIH Innovation


Coffee break



Innovative single cell technologies

Nikolaus Rajewsky, MDC, Charité

Organoids and Biological Design 2.0

Sarah Hedtrich, BIH/Charité & Jakob Meztger, MDC

Explainable AI-based imaging and omics analysis from histology to single-cells

Frederick Klauschen, LMU Munich, BIFOLD, Charité

Single-cell based identification of new immunotherapy targets

Birgit Sawitzki, BIH/Charité

Development of new cellular therapies guided by cell-based medicine

Annette Künkele, BIH/Charité



Partner pitches 

(1-2 min flash presentations)


Lunch and networking session incl. 1:1 meetings

14:30- 15:30


Cell-based medicine: innovation engine for our future?

Peter Albiez, Cluster Speaker HealthCapital Berlin-Brandenburg

Frederick Klauschen, LMU Munich, Charité/BIH, BIFOLD

Heyo Kroemer, CEO Charité

Ulrike Köhl, Director Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology, Speaker Clusters4Future SaxoCell

Frank Laukien, CEO Bruker

Ashley Sanders, Single Cell Group Leader, MDC, BIH, Charité


Coffee break



5 parallel breakout sessions on

  • Innovative single-cell technologies
  • Predictive personalized disease models
  • Precise molecular and cellular diagnostics
  • New drugs targets and cellular therapies
  • AI-supported clinical decision systems



Main outcome of each breakout session



Other aspects of the cluster

Marie Vidal, MDC, 

Tim Conrad, Zuse Institute Berlin, BIFOLD



Conclusion and next steps, closing remarks

Kai Bindseil, Clustermanager Cluster HealthCapital Berlin Brandenburg &  Head of Division Healthcare/lndustry/Infrastructure at Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie

Nikolaus Rajewsky, director BIMSB at MDC

Angelika Eggert, director Department of Pedriatric Oncology & Hematology at Charité

18:00- 20:00


Networking reception

Closed since 12 December 2021
virtual long term matchmaking
Organised by
Germany 274
Netherlands 2
Czech Republic 1
United States 1
Switzerland 1
Israel 1
Belgium 1
Pakistan 1
Türkiye 1
India 1
Bulgaria 1
Total 285
University 125
R&D Institution 73
Company 53
Other 25
Authority/Government 7
Association/Agency 2
Total 285