Welcome to the Virchow 2.0 matchmaking!
To follow-up on the kick-off event on Sep 27th (see below) and to enable finding partners for open call project ideas we offer pitch presentations & long-term matchmaking.
Participants who register for long-term matchmaking will be able to book online 1:1 meetings with other participants, also with new ones, during the entire period of the open call (until 12/12/2021).
Please log-in to further complete and/or update your profile, to register for a pitch presentation (deadline is Friday, Nov 12), to post marketplace opportunities including expertise offers and project ideas as well as search for specific partner profiles.
For new interested participants: registration is now re-open for long-term matchmaking (upper right side).
To find suitable open call R&D project partners we will have :
- A virtual open call info event: Nov 8, 4.30-5.30 pm. Recording will be available on the call website.
- Two virtual brokerage events with online pitches and networking sessions:
- Friday, Nov 19, 4:30-6:00 pm (canceled)
- Monday, Nov 22, 4:00-5:30 pm. Draft program
- Friday, Nov 19, 4:30-6:00 pm (canceled)
- Consulting on demand with open call managers. Write email to opencall@virchow2-0.de.
Background on Virchow 2.0 Open Call
The call will be for collaborative R&D project ideas involving industry and academic partners. Consortia of a minimum of 2 partners will be eligible, a single partner cannot apply.
Most projects will have to include industry partner(s), projects without industry contribution can only be considered if overall the cluster budget secures 20% own contribution from its partners. Please note that industry partners can receive BMBF funding to cover part of their costs in the R&D collaborative projects and have to contribute the rest themselves (funding rate can be increased for SMEs and start-ups). For more details about the rules, you can consult the
guidelines from the BMBF (in particular section 5 and section 2 of the annex).
You will find more information on the Open Call website.
We hope many of you will use this opportunity to network with the growing Virchow 2.0 community, pitch and discuss project ideas for the cluster implementation.
For more information regarding the kick-off event on Sep 27th 2021 please see below, Virchow 2.0 cluster website, MDC event report and the tab „Agenda Kick-off event, 27.09.21".
Background information of Kick-off event on Sep 27th
On behalf of all partners behind the initiative, we are delighted to invite you to the very first meeting of the cluster project Virchow 2.0 on Monday 27th of September 2021, in Berlin.
Virchow 2.0 is one of the new 15 finalists of the BMBF Clusters4Future initiative, an open-topic nationwide competition, which will provide up to €45 million in funding for each cluster over 9 years to strengthen knowledge and technology transfer by fostering optimal collaboration among different actors from academia, industry and society in a region.
Register for this even that will (pre-)kick-off the launch of the upcoming 6-month conception phase (01/10/2021-31/03/2022) and join us to develop a successful cluster strategy and contribute to create a novel biomedical AI innovation ecosystem for the implementation of cell-based medicine in Berlin-Brandenburg!
If you are excited about developing and applying single-cell technologies, personalized disease models and AI/machine learning to revolutionize healthcare, join a growing network of universities, research institutions, large enterprises, SMEs/start-ups, investors, foundations, patient organizations, policy makers and get ready to attend a full day of exciting presentations & panel discussions, 1:1 meetings, networking and strategic brainstorming sessions, partner pitches and more!
Don’t miss this first opportunity to become actively involved in the cluster development and to
- get informed about the upcoming launch of the Open Call for R&D project sketches
- network across sectors to start new industry/academia collaborations
- present your tech transfer interests and spin-off ideas
We are very much looking forward to a day full of excellent innovation ideas, fruitful networking & discussions and your contributions!
The meeting will be hosted by the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) with the support of Cluster HealthCapital Berlin-Brandenburg at the Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus in Berlin Mitte.
Compliance with Corona rules for kick-off event
The kick-off event will take place in compliance with the currently valid Corona rules according to the Ordinance (see here).
Due to that we only have limited space for onsite participants. Please note that you can attend one of the parallel breakout sessions only as onsite participant. Please only register as onsite participant in case you are willing to come onsite on Sep 27th. In case the event will be overbooked with onsite attendees, we will prioritise " most active" participants (i.e. attending the full event, proposing a pitch and/or engaging in one of the breakout sessions, and 1:1 meetings).
Due to the limited space onsite you will later receive a confirmation of your onsite participation (or will have to change your attendance to virtual participation). A final agenda with the assigned breakout session onsite will be shared with you in advance to the event on Sep 27th (see also our instructions during registration).
We encourage you to use the Corona-Warn-App.